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Guidance for Applying Course Learning to Workplace

Adhering to Common Induction Standards

Basic Information: This course covers the fundamental knowledge required in common induction standards.

Evidenced-Based Learning Statement: Once completed, access and print the learning statement from the site's homepage as proof of your studies.

Application in the Workplace

Policy Adherence: Apply the learned information to your workplace and ensure compliance with specific policies and procedures.

Workplace Differences: Note that workplace policies may vary slightly from the course's basic information.

Continuous Learning and Development

Practical Experience: Practical experience is essential and must be gained through on-the-job learning.

Managerial Guidance: Seek guidance from your manager and utilize the knowledge of your colleagues to enhance your skills.

Ongoing Training

Induction Course: This course is just the beginning; anticipate attending additional courses to further develop your skills.

Managerial Direction: Your manager will provide information on mandatory courses and those relevant to your job role.

Professional Boundaries and Responsibilities

Know Your Limits: Understand what tasks you are trained to perform and refrain from tasks beyond your competence.

Ensuring Care and Trust: Prioritize the care and well-being of those under your responsibility, fostering trust and reliability.